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- Call 911 in case of an emergency.
- Keep this on at all times at the venue.
- Everyone is expected to read and follow the code of conduct so we can all enjoy our experience.
- Smoking, drinking alcohol, substance abuse, weapons are strictly prohibited.
- Any kind of rude behavior is not tolerated at the event.
- All the equipment and objects are under SkySong authority; you are liable to any damage done to it by intencion or accident.
- The event staff reserve the right to remove any person (or persons) who present (s) potential harm, danger or disruption to themselves or anyone round them while attending the event.
- Decisions taken by event staff will be final, By Order.
- Team Swapping is not permitted.
- Be respectful of others at all times.
- No loud music / talking.
- Do not touch SkySong displays.
- Wear name tags at all times.
- Put trash in appropriate receptacles.